From the inspiration from this girl's amazing blog, I wanted to start two sections she does that I thought were excellent... "Today's Letters" and "Gratitude Lately." I'd been writing 5 things I was grateful for in my personal journal but figured it could be nice to share here too. So here's the first for Today's Letters.
Dear Boss Mom and kids, I love that you've been extra happy lately. I'm having so much fun with you, kiddos. Wish it was like this the whole time!
Dear sun, thank you for coming out and being the likely cause of the former mention.
Dear legs, I know you're tired, and I hope you're sore tomorrow, but we gotta get this tookus back in shape.
Dear Sune, I never even regret our 5:20am train routine. It's always worth it.
Dear new book, please don't turn out too depressing.
Dear Maria, thank you for being a better problem solver than I, and figuring out how to make this blog more legit! Go you.
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