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Three Weeks in Portland

We've only been here for three weeks, but it has been one heck of a full, wonderful time. I am a powerhouse of a mover, so whenever I move the house is nearly done the day of.  It wound up being great getting in earlier than planned as we were able to spend the weekend just cruising around the city, getting to know our neighborhood and getting the apartment all cozy. So in the first week, we explored Alberta, Laurelhurt, Unthank, Overlook, Irving, Peninsula Park, ad Mt. Tabor parks.

I had one of the best nights at the summer kick off ride with Pedalpalooza, a summer bike event where there's like hundreds of different bike rides around town-- groups organize different themes and routes to gather and just ride. We started at Laurelhurst park with a DJ and a great crowd and headed out with our 80s themed ride. A "cork" (a guy on skates with awesome moves) rode ahead to stop traffic so we could just ride freely on the roads of PDX as we followed a heart shaped speakers.  I never would have guessed that riding through a Safeway parking garage would be a life highlight but here we are, where this will forever be a fanstastic memory. With a couple of stops along the way for music, chilling and dancing in industrial areas or streetside, and meeting lots of fantastic humans. 

Thanks, again, to our dogs, we met our first friend that lives just around the corner. She also has a tricolor collie that looks just like Toulouse, so as she turned the corner and saw ours, and hers turned the corner and we saw Blake, we became quick friends. 

Everyone can expect a lot of pictures of the flowers, as the houses are just killing their garden game. I am just so impressed with poppies and roses and all kinds of wildflowers. 

Hobie and Toulouse are pretty happy with the weather (Hobie actualy says it was a little too hot with our 76 degree walk the other day), and freedom to run in all the parks and dog parks.

I've tried out a new crossfit gym that was great so far. Going to try another before committing. My legs are feeling the burn with biking though. One day I biked 25 miles and these legs were not used to these hills, but they're getting there quick. 

In the followed weeks: 

- we got new bikes we've been cruising all over with- Old Artie, the beach cruiser, was no joke going up those hills. Now we're enjoying the Blue Brothers with the Surly Straggler and the Space Horse. 

- actually saw a movie at the Bagdhad theater. 

- I started my job and it's going wonderfully at a private practice with the nicest crew and sweet little kiddos. In the last month I've had two kind kids tell me my finger was going to "be better by Wednesday" or "be better in 2 hours." It's like they thought, "What would my mom tell me to make me feel better?"  I'm really excited to be in a private practice setting next after the last gigs with remote, outpatient and home-based therapy. I think it shall be great! 

- Dylan started clinicials at the jail and an online gig and they're going well. 

- We stumbled on a stand up comedy gig in the park last Friday-- we didn't actually get to enjoy the comedy because our bellies were grumbling while we watched everyone enjoy their delicious picnic dinners while we waited for it to start. But we'll return. There is always something going on. Also the "Queesie Boys" at the bar down the road gave quite an entertaining show; a cowboy wi normalish guy, and a tattooed man with barechest and short lil drawstring pants jammning away. 

- One Saturday we enjoyed HonkPDX with all these funky brass bands in Lents Park, So entertaining with their ample sparkles, characater costumes, and energetic moves. 

- And our wonderful return to Cape Lookout! One of our favorite beach hikes from before. It was fantastic getting to just sit and watch Dylan (waves weren't perfect but he was back in the big Pacific) and watch the dogs in just pure joy playing mode. 

Overall? We're stoked.


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