Yesterday morning was the loveliest of mornings.
It started with staying in bed extra long and searching for Valentines Day recipes.
It continued to fetching with the neighbors,
strolling down the street and up to the beach,
people watching along the way.
Kids splashed in the sea and groms surfing the waves.
It was a ditch your coats and jump into your swimsuit kinda morning.
An admire the tourists reading their books, and joggers and sunbathers in the Florida winter.
A let the pup meet every dog and human she wanted kinda morning.
Chit chatting with Donna racers that needed their dog fix, whose daughter's name was Abby, old John and Sue.
Extend the walk because Sierra just wasn't ready to leave the beach kinda morning.
Today the loveliness continued in different colors.
From yesterday's cerulean sky to today's dreamy gray beach.
I cheered on the Donna Racers and consoled a sound-sensitive pooch.
According to a fan, it was a "beer at 9am" kinda morn
Another extended walk to the pier and mingling with dog padres
Remembering that strangers and tourists can add stories in an instant kinda morn.
These were just the loveliest of mornings. They reminded me to extend my walks because studying and chores can wait, and to talk to the unknowns and even the boys in blue. If someone overheard me or could read my mind on some of these walks, they'd think I'd just moved to the beach, but I'm constantly reminded of how lucky I am to have these scenes in my backyard.
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