Apparently it's another Food Friday! I made this way back when and finally got around to making it again and it was delicious.
I used a whole head of cauliflower and let my super new/vintage refurbished blender do the shredding. Then put it all in a bowl, sprinkle a couple tablespoons of water on it, cover and put in the microwave for about a minute.
Chop up your onion and throw it in a frying pan with a couple tablespoons of your oil of choice. I used coconut. Then put cauliflower on top and add about 1/4 cup of soy sauce and a Tbsp of white wine. I also sprinkled some ginger and sesame oil on it. Garlic would've been good but I just basically forgot.
Cook chicken breast in a separate pan, then scramble three eggs and put them aside while preparing the rest.
I cooked my favorite "Today's Harvest" broccoli in the microwave (sprinkle with water, cover, and zap it for like 2 minutes) and added it to the cauliflower. I cooked some zucchini and red pepper too before adding it in. Throw in your snowpeas, scallions, egg, and chicken and voila. Deliciousness.
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