Finally, this morning, after days of thinking about it and saying it over in my head, I told Lotte, "J eg tror vi skal tale mere på dansk nu, så jeg kan lære mere. " Whats the mean?! What's that mean?! No, I didn't tell her I was done scrubbing floors, or I wouldn't clean the bathroom three times in two days, or wash the attic floor... Nothing so dramatic... I'm not ready to leave Denmark yet. No, instead, this was me finally getting the nerve, motivation, and initiate to say, "I think we should talk more in Danish now so I can learn more." I'd realized I wished we'd been talking more in Danish this whole time a couple weeks ago, but was even too nervous to say something like that phrase to start the motion. I think speaking in another language, Danish in particular, can be so nerve racking. You, of course, want to use the write grammar, the write words, and also pronounce it in a way where they don't instantly know you...