I can't believe my time in Denmark is actually up. It's definitely been a bitter sweet move. I've really grown to love this city and even more so the people in it. These are the memories that made this time unforgettable... These amazing girls... A whirl wind of good times with Mischa A quick but great friendship with Rachel Several Dyrhavn trips with Rachel, Maria, Jen, and Anne-Lise This bundle of cuteness And these good times with the kiddos The homey feeling of Charlie Scott's with Marc, Kasper, Eugene and the gang Thanksgiving with this crew So many fun times with Megan and Molly at the movies, the fountain, and Francis Mom's Christmas visit The Amys' visit to Denmark Traveling to some awesome places This guy... Ooh, this guy... Going into this, I had no idea was what was to come. I guess you never do though, huh? Even with the job turning out different than expected, I wouldn't even t...
Come along for ramblings of travels and daily life of the Ross-Kennedy clan.