Why Biking is Awesome...
It's so good for you physically. Even when you've been partaking in some drinking, biking to and from the bars (nearly) makes it ok.
It's free. Well besides bike repairs. I'll take that over insane train, bus, taxi, or car prices.
It's fun!
It's a good social thing too. Biking with people can be so nice
The whole "good for the environment" bit
It can clear your mind
You see more while biking
You are getting yourself where you need to be. No relying on outside transportation/drivers/etc. Knowing you are capable of getting yourself from point A to point B is empowering in a way.
It can bring fun mother-daughter memories...
(I can't take credit for all the following pictures.)
It makes for cute couple pictures like these...
It could make you hip like this guy...
Or this girl!
Or this guy and girl!
You can see places like this...
And accomplish dreams!
... One Direction does it?
But fa real dough...
If these points don't instantly compel you to hop on a bike right now...
You are uncompellable...
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