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Showing posts from October, 2014

Tuesday DOsday Tunesday

Productivity is beyond great. Healthy breaky, yogaed, ran, organized freezer, front porch lunch porch, first French press success, laundried, deep cleaned. All before work this afternoon. It's amazing what a clean home and body can do to yo spirits. Tuesday DOsday.  I share with you... This mellow tune .  Tuesday Dosday  Tunesday!  I hope your Tuesday was filled with goodness too! 

Quarter of a Century Celebrations

I  turned a quarter of a century on Sunday! Kinda crazy. I'm not quite as responsible or old feeling as my 18 yourself may have thought 25 would feel. I'm also not married or have a dog or living in the mountains or who knows what else I had on my "plan." But I'm cool with that. I have grown prouder, more independent, and content. Always workin on it. Anyway. On my birthday weekend, I  had a lovely breakfast and Birthday Toast with Mom surrounded by sunshine and flowers on her patio. Still hopeful I've inherited her green thumb.  Kayaked with her on the Silver River Laughed at this goofy guy Thought this guy was fake... Tried to pet a turtle  Probs looked crazy to on-lookers chanting "anhinga! aninga! anhinga!" thinking that 3-times memory trick might help me become a bird expert like Moms.  Had retail therapy with mama, walked with her and Denise, barbecue with Mom and Pops, and we were very adult-like seei...

Today's Gratitude

Many dinner, lunch, walk, and beach dates with Leslie lately. Not to mention an amazing experience helping her execute a wedding for a lovely couple. Their wedding had oodles of ridiculously sweet moments including the Best Sendoff Ever award. Thanks to the never ending sparklers, this excited couple ran up and down the steps until they finally burnt out for a total of about 5 times. "One more time!" was even chanted at the end.  A quick but always great visit from the Padres. Mama Brunch, shopping, new sister-in-law lunching, and daddy dinner made for one heart and belly filling day.  Pain free running! Started again and  hoping that leg pain is gone forevs.  A great weekend "nannying" the cousins in South Carolina aka hanging out with my baby high school cousins. We went to their football game the first night at which I felt a little old, worrying about these high schoolers in no clothes. Glad the cousins weren't some of those girls. The ne...